She’s Convicted of Selling Seashells By The Seashore

A woman who was suspected of selling seashells by the seashore has been arrested near the site of the scandal.

It has been alleged that she was selling seashells by the seashore without a permit to sell seashells by the seashore; she was also selling the shells on for 100% profits.

Police issued an arrest warrant seven days ago and searched for her on the sands and in shops until yesterday, when she was found selling seashells by the seashore.

It is said that she will be sent a $777.77 fine for selling seashells by the seashore because it is a first offence. She can now secure a permit to sell seashells by the seashore and perhaps spread to selling seashells in a sea styled shop.

Author: Bee

Jack of all trades, master of none.

3 thoughts on “She’s Convicted of Selling Seashells By The Seashore

  1. I heard the woman actually made only 97% profit on each shell after deducting the water and labour costs of cleaning them, but that’s still more than she would have got by selling them to a middleman.

  2. Such silly shenanigans should only serve to spew out more lascivious sorts of sundries.

    And I for one am far too ill-aliterate to take part in such things.

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