Is it it possible to confirm or deny being a #neoliberal, if the term is infinitely elastic?
Was Stalin a #stateneoliberal, just like he was a #statecapitalist?
Will the end of #capitalism be the end of #neoliberalism, or is the end of #neoliberalism the end of #capitalism?
If Pol Pot was a #fakesocialist, and hence a #fakeanticapitalist, was he also a #fakeantineoliberal?
If #capitalism invented nationalism and militarism, did #neoliberalism also invent nationalism and militarism?
If so, how did the world manage to fall from its Edenic glory and pristine state into #thevastneoliberalconspiracy?
Was this fall into #neoliberalism the same as the fall into #capitalism which was the root of every single prejudice in the world, without exception?
Why did the chimney stack fall on the workers? BECAUSE #CAPITALISM!!!
have quite the same sexy ring as
… ?
If I substitute every single #anticapitalist sentence with #neoliberalism instead of #capitalism, will I succeed in appearing marginally less dogmatic to the #rightkindofpeople?
Ultimately, when it comes down to it, who gives a rat’s arse?
Psst! That’s enough planet-sized hashtaggery for now…