Glenn Beck Says “One Nation, My Ass–It’ll Never Fly”

Author: P. Beckert

P. Beckert's is one voice vying for frequency room at the top of the opinion dial. Angered and bewildered by many of today’s events, P. Beckert uses humor as a tool to fight against an onslaught of stupidity and ignorance that seems to permeate the airwaves and pollute the sensitivities of a once brilliant nation. You can find more at

1 thought on “Glenn Beck Says “One Nation, My Ass–It’ll Never Fly”

  1. Glenn Beck’s rally had a very Orwellian feel to it, while the One Nation rally reminded me of the love and peace movements of the 1960’s, but on a much higher level. It is clear to me that more big names supported the One Nation rally, and every speech was incredible. For example, HARRY BELAFONTE: Oh, what he had to say was magnificient. It’s a speech that no American should miss. Glenn Beck? Go back to your day job: DRINKING.

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