It’s mad strange, defies logic, and is wholly welcome. After a 3-stage denial process, we’ve been reinstated at the literal last possible second. Google has re-instated us as publishers.
So our beef is settled, but let me tell you the great and terrible things about Google:
Great about Google
Driverless cars. This will save thousands of lives, millions of dollars in gas, and give back a huge percentage of our lives to us. The blind will be able to have freedom. It’s an amazing technology, and it saddens me that it’s still so far out.
Google Glass promises to revolutionize mobile technology. Sure, some will renounce it, but the vast majority will accept it, and it will change our everyday expectation of Smart Life.
Google works daily to improve your life, even if it’s in ways you can’t comprehend.
Terrible about Google
Oh honey, there’s plenty here.
Street-view Wifi Scanning
Even when they said they were just driving the streets, they were actually capturing your wifi network connections, and making of map of where places were secured and not, which they could later cross-reference with their own internal passwords. Pretty ugly.
Money Alllocation
This is the biggest one. Google decides how much traffic you get, then decides how much money you make off that traffic. They don’t disclose rates or percentages on either front, you just have to trust them.
Don’t forget Google Drive where you can store all your files so the feds can see ’em!