In a comical oversight, Ex-President of the United States George Bush forgot to take his swimming costume with him at Washington’s renowned Sports & Leisure Village.
Bush told Glossy News:
I’m getting old and forgetful. Thankfully the pool attendant lent me a pair of swimming trunks. I said to the attendant, ‘Who else has worn these?’
He replied, ‘Everybody.’
‘Everybody?’ I said.
He said:
‘Yes, every scummy warts-infected,
sloppy breasted, sperm-sloshed, scabby unwashed,
crusty, musty wino with fleas and residue herpes,
every hairy assed and pubic lice-ridden, flaky skinned
and gonorrhoea-hidden, sweaty balled, syphilis and
piss-installed filthy toe rag and fornicating man slag
on the face of God’s not so green and fusty earth!’
‘I can’t wear those!’ I said.
‘Why not?’ replied the attendant.
‘Because there’s a picture of Donald Trump on the front of them…’
I said.