Cardiology surgery
Posted in Human Interest


God cursed me with a heart condition. I have a good idea why, but if I tell you, I’ll have to kill myself. One dreadful symptom is shortness of breath (SOB). That and an adverse echocardiogram led my cardiologist to…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! EMERGENCY ROOM! HELP ME! I’M DYING!
Waiter disaster
Posted in Human Interest

Lordy, Lordy, Was I a Terrible Waiter! (But My CUSTOMERS Were WORSE!!!!!!)

Why did you choose the restaurant where I worked at that particular time? A few seconds earlier or later, you would have been safe. But Fate dropped the piano on your head, and you drew me as your waiter. You…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Lordy, Lordy, Was I a Terrible Waiter! (But My CUSTOMERS Were WORSE!!!!!!)
Devin Nunes Republican Party
Posted in Politics

CREEPY STUFF! Nunes Accuses Democrats of Wanting Nude Picture

As a Democrat, I am proud of my collection of presidents posing in the nude. Up until 1850 or so, the pictures were oil paintings, except for a racy sculpture of Andrew Jackson beating his wife. I suppose I’ll need…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! CREEPY STUFF! Nunes Accuses Democrats of Wanting Nude Picture