Posted in Serious Commentary

Science and Religion cannot Coexist Together

It is quite useless and senseless to ask these questions or hope for an definite answer since all of those who came before us for thousands of years were not able answer them. And also there are no “Real” answers to the value-laden questions that ever eludes our understanding and ever escapes our grasps.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Science and Religion cannot Coexist Together
Posted in Serious Commentary

How I Hate My Wife’s Magazines “for Women”

These woman’s magazines that my wife read are filled with well-fashioned commercials of materialistic and luxury-seeking beauty and life styles. So much that I can smell the hands of the high intellectuals who have carefully crafted these rhetoric to fool…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! How I Hate My Wife’s Magazines “for Women”
Posted in Serious Commentary

True Love, Romance or Just Plain Sex… What’s It All Mean?

Although “falling in love” is probably the most wonderful feeling in the world and the most mysterious state of mind one can find him/herself within, science tells us that “falling in love” is very transient and not the answer to…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! True Love, Romance or Just Plain Sex… What’s It All Mean?
Posted in Serious Commentary

How a Magical God Experience Transforms People

(People seem very interested in the Question of God… So here’s another paper on God and Mysticism and Human Progression…) ‘Characteristics and experiences perceived during the mystical state have been examined in many scientific studies, the majority falling into the…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! How a Magical God Experience Transforms People
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2000 Years of Evolution of the Western Political Philosophy

2000 Years of evolution of Western Political Philosophy, continuing to shape our present-day, conflicting, political ideologies… Our present political and social conflicting ideologies, (including the ideas fought for during the Cold War) goes way back, thousands of years — no…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! 2000 Years of Evolution of the Western Political Philosophy
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China’s Economic, High-Tech Transformation and its Bright (scary?) Future

From Chairman Mao’s era of Agricultural focused economy to Deng Xiaoping’s Opening up and Reform policies, inviting in foreign investments to build mainly a Light Industry focused economy in China, China has transformed a great deal in the last 3…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! China’s Economic, High-Tech Transformation and its Bright (scary?) Future
Posted in Serious Commentary

A Vision for Establishing Free Vocational Schools Across the Country

My name is Charles Wang. And I am writing to you about a successful program and service that my friend and I have created: we built a non-profit, vocational, training center to teach practical skills to the homeless people that…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! A Vision for Establishing Free Vocational Schools Across the Country
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Conservative Eroticism versus Liberal Eroticism

(American politics at its Best: difference in the eroticism happening inside your bedroom) Thanks to billions after billions of dollars invested by Political Machines into the Think-Tanks and Institutes for the political myth-makers to perfect their beautiful language and rich…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Conservative Eroticism versus Liberal Eroticism
Posted in Serious Commentary

A Real Look into Impoverished America: drugs, Prostitution & Violence

A real look into the impoverished areas of America: their drug use, prostitution, violence… and why they happen! Written from my own personal working experience… It takes someone who has really hardened his or her heart to integrate into some…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! A Real Look into Impoverished America: drugs, Prostitution & Violence
Posted in Serious Commentary

Was Obama’s Youth Mobilization Campaign Truly Worthy of Media Praise?

Obama’s campus mobilization of youth for his campaign and his political agenda was so effective during his election, but is it something truly new like the media praised it to be? During the China’s Cultural Revolution in China 文化大革命 (1966-1976),…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Was Obama’s Youth Mobilization Campaign Truly Worthy of Media Praise?