Launch of a Campaign to Mildly Harass Congress

So, a little while ago, I wrote this little ditty about how Congress’ approval rating had fallen below 0%.

It was born mostly out of frustration with our political leaders’ absolute inability to do anything other than name post offices.

This was combined, of course, with a moderate sense of boredom because there did not appear to be anything to watch on TV at the time.

The story did pretty well. It was published by GlossyNews, as well as a bunch of different venues, got three and a half thousand individual hits (thanks to Brian’s awesome dissemination skills), and hopefully raised a few chuckles.

As the cycle of life generally goes, I got bored again. Also, I was still frustrated with Congress. Turns out, they still weren’t doing anything. So, I decided to simultaneously relieve some of that frustration and boredom by posting my story on every single Congressperson’s Facebook wall.

If you feel frustrated and/or bored, come join us. Below is GlossyNews’ link to the story and the Facebook page.

Post it on your legislator’s wall. Post it on your friend’s legislator’s wall. If you’re like most Americans, and don’t know who you legislator is…well…Google it.

I’m told that this small act of defiance will fundamentally shake the foundations of the American political system forever. Phil told me that. If it doesn’t work, bring it up with him.

So join the campaign, and together we can all slightly inconvenience several hundred social media interns.

-Bobby D. Foster

Author: Bobby D. Foster

The Washington Pastime Literary Magazine has published one of my short stories titled “The Abolition of Satire”. Defenestration Magazine has published another titled “The Approval of Congress.” Also, I've been the president of both Guatemala and Mongolia... at the same time.

2 thoughts on “Launch of a Campaign to Mildly Harass Congress

  1. Congresscritters don’t much care for this approach. If they give it any media attention, they’ll only invite further harassment. I’m all for it, personally, but then again I write, print and MAIL letters to my congressman… I also give him money.

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