Dems Desperately Seek to Cave to House Repubes [Sick]

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, head puppet mistress of the larger of our nation’s two great houses, may have injured a lumbar disc in session yesterday as she attempted to bend over backwards far enough for house minority Republicans to administer their hot dose of “values” down her throat from the back. Democrats these days are not just in power or empowered, their in an unusual position of power… to the minority Republicans, who whip them about like impotent children.

The latest headline in the circus parade of absurdity sends the story home all too well. “Republican Leaders Call on Pelosi to Rein in Grayson”. The story is basically that congressman Grayson said that Republican’s health plan is for the sick to hurry up and die, which is true in effect, since the Republicans have no health plan at all, save for the broken status quo. They want her to force him to retract his comments.

Mind you, these are the people who won’t rebuke politico-savantard Palin’s assertions of “death panels”, or propose any reform at all, save for tort reform, which they had 8-years to propose and pass, without any attempts to do so.

The logical assumption would be that such statements would be sheer nonsense, but the Democrats, ever eager to concede and breed new crow to eat, have latched on to this as their new anything-but-change agenda.

According to the article, “House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says anyone using harsh rhetoric to raise fears about health care reform should apologize and get on with writing policy.” Presumably, this means writing policy for the Republicans to contest, so they can hastily retract, redact and retreat from it.

It bears mention that this headline was run by FOX News, and that Google News ran it as a front-page story. Perhaps it’s just the right-wing news media taking liberties, and the ostensibly middle-ground aggregator picking it up, but in any case it’s nothing less than another instance of the spineless, gutless Democrats once again bowing to the pressures of the party out of power.

Why would Republicans even want a majority when they can call all the shots from the minority position? They can avoid political backlash (it’s not their congress!) and still get everything they want.

Experts, pundits, voters and mentally disabled children have all suggested the Democrats use their super-majority in the senate, as well as their control of every branch of government (save for the Supreme Court) to hammer through progressive agendas, but majority leaders Pelosi and Reid have a far more cunning plan… presumably. I mean, nobody can see what it is, as neither of them command more than about $500 on the speaker’s circuit.

John Everyman, a constituent from Blue America, Swing State, had his own advice for legislators. “Seriously guys, we voted you in because we wanted change. We expected to be disappointed, but not because you’d knuckle-under to the demands of the party of No at every possible chance.”

Editor’s Note: As the editor of a decidedly left-leaning publication (we openly endorsed Obama in 2008), it is with great regret we feel required to publish this article… but come on guys, you’re sticking to the same bullshit that got us into this mess in the first place, but worse because you’re putting your name on it, when it isn’t what your constituents want, and you know in your heart it’s wrong for America. You may be old enough to die in a decade or three, but we aren’t, so pull yourselves together and grow a pair.

Author: Brian White

Brian first began peddling his humorous wares with a series of Xerox printed books in fifth grade. Since then he's published over two thousand satire and humor articles, as well as eight stage plays, a 13-episode cable sitcom and three (terrible) screenplays. He is a freelance writer by trade and an expert in the field of viral entertainment marketing. He is the author of many of the biggest hoaxes of recent years, a shameful accomplishment in which he takes exceptional pride.