Hasbro Introduces PTSD GI Joe

In an effort to introduce children to the realities of war, Hasbro Inc. announced today that it will begin marketing the new PTSD GI Joe.

“Up until now we have always presented GI Joe as being fearless, ready to kill Vietnamese or Iraqi soldiers”, said Hasbro marketing executive Clive Barron. “The new PTSD GI Joe will reflect the reality of war. He will be more withdrawn, easily irritated, at times shaking uncontrollably and unable to maintain relationships”.

Barron said the new PTSD GI Joe will be outfitted with tiny medications, alcohol bottles and a psychiatrist doll, sold separately. Also, instead of his usual GI greens, Joe will be clad in ordinary street clothes.

“We think of this GI Joe as already being discharged from the service”, Barron continued. “But, of course, we leave it up to the imagination of the child”.

Barron further stated that to further fuel the child’s Imagination, the new GI Joe will have removable limbs, wheelchair and a bandage set. Unlike the old GI Joe, this one will be unarmed.

“We can’t give a gun to a loose canon!” Barron said.

“Oh boy!” said 8 year old Josh Belieber. “I can hardly wait for my new GI Joe doll!”

Belieber said his PTSD GI Joe has plans to do unspeakable things to Barbie and Ken.

“Barbie and Ken are just spoiled brats!” Josh said. “Joe’s gonna show ’em who’s boss!”

Author: NickFun

Is it REALLY all that important that you know my biography? Do you want to know the litany of women I have slept with? Do you need to know where I work or what I do for a living? Is there something about my life you can't bear not knowing? PERV!!!

25 thoughts on “Hasbro Introduces PTSD GI Joe

  1. I PRAY for ALL the Veterans & troops that has stepped up to the plate for us ALL. I'm sorry that this has happened. I don't think its some thing to be made a play toy. Its a lot deeper to our VETERANS & their FAMILY s . Just saying IT would of rather seen a g i o doll made that can bend it knees to pray for them. I'm not getting on any one. I'm just stating how or what I'm feeling.May GOD BLESS YOU ALL. But we ALL need

  2. After reading, I thought you could have done so much more with this, satire-wise, but overall, it was cleverly written on a most disturbing issue, and after all, isn’t satire meant to bring out the ugliness in such a way as to make us think? Good job Nick-Fun.

  3. As someone whose friend lost his life to PTSD (with some help from AFF), I rate this article. In my view, it makes the point that Hasbro helps to glorify war without focusing on its impacts, of which PTSD is just one.

  4. Thank you Reidicul! I thought I spelled out the message pretty clearly though, as you stated, people read something else. The story stays! And I hope those people who wished me harm will change their tunes! Of course, if they don’t it won’t bother me either

  5. I don’t like to jump into these back-and-forth comment chains because I’m not sure how much of it is just trolling, but for what it’s worth, I’d say you should leave it up, NickFun. You explicitly wrote in the story: “The new PTSD GI Joe will reflect the reality of war…” (Twice, as a matter of fact.) In other words, any confusion about the message in this story is on the readers’ parts. You shouldn’t be held responsible for people who don’t know how to read satire.

    It’s like if people listen to that song, “War… what is it good for?” but only hear what they want to hear and come away thinking your message is that “War… is… good…” when you couldn’t have spelled it out any more plainly than you did.

  6. Thank you rfreed. Of course, you are totally correct. I had actually thought of taking the story down because of so many misconceptions.

  7. One of the things that people with PTSD do is misread situations. A man walking down the street suddenly thinks he is in the middle of an ambush.
    Is he?
    No, the noise from a distant siren just set him off.
    The same is happening with this article. People are reading it with preconceived notions that do not relate to what is written.

  8. Thank you rfreed. I have met soldiers whose lives have been destroyed by the wars. They are offered little for the services they have provided. Let’s not tell children how wonderful war is! Let’s tell them the truth!

  9. This article is not intended to slam soldiers with PTSD but rather to show the irony of it and expose a lot of the BS that goes on with it on all sides. A fake war, fake drugs, young men and women going in with an overzealous passion and taking it out on people who did not deserve their anger.
    We should look at the mammoth brain game played on the soldiers going into the war and question the role that had in setting the foundation for PTSD.
    A war was started for the wrong reasons and those who wanted it have now slipped away with lots of money made and passed the blame onto others. PTSD is the psychic result of that will be echoing with us for a long time thereafter.

  10. I feel war should not be glorified. There are too many ads portraying the military as a great way to make money for college or a way of life. Pardon my views.The reality is much harsher.

  11. Make that Karma, not Karm, but Karm rhymes with harm. There is no such thing as an unwounded soldier.

  12. My Son died due to thison 3 10 10. He was nothing like what is displayed in this sick statement. I would litteraly like to smack this idiot in the face. My son served almost 14 years and was the number 1 Hebrew Linguist in the entire military at the time of his death. All I can say is I wish I could be there the watch this cry baby who wrote this when Karm comes back to get what you have coming. And don't think for one minute that it won't happen.

  13. The writer of this has problems, and I hope Hasbro sues you for slander. A lot of veterans have PTSD, and to make fun of it is heartless and shows how out of touch with reality you are.
    Mocking veterans who lost arms and legs? Also completely heartless. You are a complete ass, sir. Go take a long walk off of a short pier.

  14. This will come back to bite you. You have no clue what us Veterans go through on a daily basis with PTSD, and you want to label us this way, shame on you. Pathetic, sick, and cruel………………………………..

  15. I believe everyone should boycott Hasbro! I know this is bs but if they suffer financial damage they can sue this trashy rag & get them stopped from disrespecting those who risk their lives daily!

  16. Bravo our Veterans!

    Current pharmaceutical drug PTSD treatment for Veterans found ineffective.

    Eli Lilly made $70 billion on the Zyprexa franchise.Lilly was fined $1.4 billion for Zyprexa fraud!
    The atypical antipsychotics (Zyprexa, Risperdal, Seroquel) are like a 'synthetic' Thorazine, only they cost ten times more than the old fashioned typical antipsychotics.
    These newer generation drugs still pack their list of side effects like diabetes for the user.All these drugs work as so called 'major tranquilizers'.This can be a contradiction with PTSD suffers as we are hyper vigilant and feel uncomfortable with a drug that puts you to sleep and makes you sluggish.
    That's why drugs like Zyprexa don't work for PTSD survivors like myself.
    — Daniel Haszard FMI http://www.zyprexa-victims.com.

  17. Bravo our Veterans!

    Current pharmaceutical drug PTSD treatment for Veterans found ineffective.

    Eli Lilly made $70 billion on the Zyprexa franchise.Lilly was fined $1.4 billion for Zyprexa fraud!
    The atypical antipsychotics (Zyprexa, Risperdal, Seroquel) are like a 'synthetic' Thorazine, only they cost ten times more than the old fashioned typical antipsychotics.
    These newer generation drugs still pack their list of side effects like diabetes for the user.All these drugs work as so called 'major tranquilizers'.This can be a contradiction with PTSD suffers as we are hyper vigilant and feel uncomfortable with a drug that puts you to sleep and makes you sluggish.
    That's why drugs like Zyprexa don't work for PTSD survivors like myself.
    — Daniel Haszard FMI http://www.zyprexa-victims.com.

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