I get way too many missionaries at my door. It’s about every 10-14 days. Maybe it’s because I live in a largely immigrant area and they think we must all be suckers for something new.
But there’s a loophole. They swear to give out free money to those in need… they promise you don’t have to tithe unless you can afford it… and (unlike the Mormons) they don’t ask to see proof of your financial situation.
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Time to cash in on these suckers. Join the church, don’t attend, take out charity, pay nothing in… it’s fool-proof, save for all the harassment you’ll get from the noxious outreach clowns.
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Brian is on temporary personal leave but has left us with an innumerous backlog of comics to share until his return. Check back for daily updates.
Missionaries are useless. You can’t scam them out of money, you can’t speak reason to them, they’re useless.