The War on Kwanzaa

I went into a Kroger’s today, and not one person wished me a Fruitful Kwanzaa….when i went to the WalMart to pick up some tasty steaks, again, not one Fruitful Kwanzaa….what is up with that? Have we come to such a place in this country that chain stores are so afraid of “political correctness” that they tell their employers not to wish anyone a Fruitful Kwanzaa and replace it with the Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays greeting instead?

I called Fox Noise and told them this was another example of political correctness run amok, and they told me they had way too many other petty things to bitch about to care about some half-african seasonal greeting and that maybe if i want to hear somebody wish me a Fruitful Kwanzaa I should park my happy ass on the next plane heading back to Africa.

Author: llovejim

CEO, Matadors Without Borders

6 thoughts on “The War on Kwanzaa

  1. For one thing, it is “Fruitful Kwanzaa,” not “Happy Kwanzaa,” infidel. Familiar with satire much, Andrew?

  2. maybe the people not wishing you a happy kwanzaa didnt celebrate it themselves? i think you have your ideas of political correctness misunderstood

  3. My people don’t recognize the Umoja Candle. On Kwanzaa Morn, we give thanks for the dry harvest by leaving out mangos for the Frozen Shepherd.

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