Editing Your PDF Files Using Soda PDF

Editing your PDF files has never been so quick and easy. Soda PDF gives you the ability to edit your PDF files in so many different ways. Here is how you use sodapdf.com/pdf-editor to edit your PDF files:

  1. Select a File

Pick the file you want to edit. You can upload the PDF from your computer, or from cloud storage such as Dropbox or Google Drive. If your file is ready, you can simply drag and drop it into the editing box.

  1. Open Soda PDF Online

The files you have uploaded will automatically open on Soda PDF online. You take advantage of that moment and view other features that Soda PDF has to offer.

  1. Free Trial

You can use PDF editor for free. To do this, first create a Soda PDF online. You can make use of the free trial. Additionally, you can learn how to edit your PDF files.

How to Rotate Your PDF Files

  1. Select a file and upload or drag it into the box. You can upload the PDF file from the computer or cloud storage such as the Drop Box or Google Drive.
  2. After picking the PDF file you want to rotate, you can rotate the whole document at angle of 90° clockwise and flip it at an angle of 180° counterclockwise. If you do not want to rotate all the pages, you can pick and rotate the selected or individual pages.
  3. Now that you are done, check to see if the document is in the form you wanted. Download the PDF file and view it on your browser. Soda PDF can email the link of the document, but it will be available for just 24 hours.

How to Watermark Your PDF Files

Adding watermark to your documents help prevent theft and plagiarism. It protects your files from copyright infringement. This is what you need to do to add watermark to your PDF files

  1. Pick the document you want to add watermark and upload it. You can upload it from your computer or cloud storage.
  2. Format the Watermark. Choose what you want to use for watermarking. You can choose a word or upload a photo from your computer. You can from the different features of watermarking you want such as the rotation, opacity, font, size and the position of the watermark on the page. If you do not want the watermark to appear in all your pages, you can pick where you want it to appear.
  3. When you are done you can download the PDF files and view them on your browser. Or you can download from the links sent to you by Soda PDF.

How to Number Pages on Your Soda PDF

It is easier to follow up a more organized file. Soda PDF helps you add page numbers quickly and easily.

  1. Upload the document form your computer or cloud storage. You can select options such as the page ranges, size and the format of the font and the position of numbers.

Author: Dexter Sinistri

Dexter Sinistri is a famously centrist writer who has worked as a Hollywood correspondent for a number of leading publications since 2005. Though once a photographer, Mr. Sinistri struck out as a writer on all things celebrity, and he likes to consider himself a tremendous asset to Glossy News, though by most accounts, he has fallen somewhat short of this effort.