Woman Watching Sitcom Frustrated Characters Not Doing Things Most Logical, Efficient Way

MILWAUKEE, WI—While watching television Tuesday night, Diane Goodwyn expressed to reporters her frustration regarding characters in the ABC sitcom Tell Me About It doing things that made already bad situations only worse.

“No one wants to see that,” said the 53-year-old.

While gesturing her hands emphatically, an exasperated Goodwyn pointed out how foolish it was for a character to try to go on a blind date and manage a friend’s surprise party on the same night.

RIGHT: Photo by maureen_sill via Flickr. (CLICK TO ENLARGE)

“This is simply moronic,” said Goodwyn as she saw a character keeping a running garden hose pointed at another character holding a cake while making no effort to adjust the direction of the water, and instead merely scrambling to turn off the hose.

“[The sitcom character with the hose] just needlessly ruined a perfectly good cake,” she said.

Goodwyn went on to discuss what she believes would constitute a good show saying, “[she has] lots of good ideas.”

“Just last week, my husband and I had a few of our friends over for a cookout and everything went smoothly,” Goodwyn said.

“That would be a good show,” she added.

Author: Rusty Shackleford

Rusty Shackleford is a comedy writer typing away from a bunker in an undisclosed location.