Coworker Enraged Man Hasn’t Seen City Slickers 2

CHARLOTTE, NC—While at work Wednesday morning, area insurance agent Anthony Deakins was taken aback by the inexplicably aggressive and passionate reaction of his coworker after Deakins told him he had not seen the film City Slickers 2: The Legend of Curly’s Gold.

“It really caught me off guard,” said Deakins of his coworker’s ardent defense of the 1994 adventure/comedy/western motion picture.

RIGHT: Tipler showing Deakins a scene from the film that was, “like, totally improvised by Jon Lovitz.” Photo by Wirawat Lian-udom via Flickr. (CLICK TO ENLARGE)

Deakins’ coworker, Ken Tipler, fervently criticized his colleague for not having ever taken in the nuances and themes of the film that were “subtle, yet profound.”

Tipler was reported to have gone on for “probably around eight minutes” about the “writing alone” in the poorly received sequel.

Being relatively new to the office, Deakins was unprepared for such an outburst. The rest of the staff, however, averted their eyes and focused on their work. Deakins would later learn that they were no strangers to this display.

Tipler reportedly even resorted to commandeering Deakins’ computer to show him segments of the film on YouTube.

In an attempt to placate the increasingly incensed Tipler, Deakins eventually responded, “I’ll have to check that out sometime.”

After Tipler relented and resumed work as usual, Deakins was heard to remark, “I guess he really likes that movie.”

Author: Rusty Shackleford

Rusty Shackleford is a comedy writer typing away from a bunker in an undisclosed location.