Selection of Sites from Our Satirists!

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We’ve made some progress; but more needed soon!

Some of our satirists have their own sites too! Please note that this is NOT an exhaustive list, and we will be featuring even more sites soon.


Benjamin manages to combine erudition and cleverness with accessibility. One to watch! There’s plenty of philosophy here too…


This is not the first publication in history with such a venerable title; but it can certainly hold its own against past greats!

Dan Geddes doesn’t just accept anything you submit; he is discerning. So make sure you raise the bar very high! According to my understanding, The Satirist and Glossy News are normally fairly well disposed towards crossposts; so feel free to buddy up!


Tim Jones has been here a long time, and has contributed plenty of quality stuff. Like the other two people mentioned in this article, he is an author; as well as a contributor to Glossy News. Look for his books online, as well as those of Dan and Benjamin!


Author: Editorials and Announcements