Posted in Science & Technologizzy

Tan Mathletes Caught in Sin, Potentially Abusing Co-Sin

An old and dangerous trend, thought to originally come from China, is resurging, and taking the U.S. by storm; this comeback-kid fad is causing teens to turn away from marijuana, methamphetamines, ecstasy, and other hard drugs to overdose on a…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Tan Mathletes Caught in Sin, Potentially Abusing Co-Sin
Posted in Biz News

Company that “Downloads the Internet to Your Phone” Shuttered

Little known software maker, Webaroo, has recently shuttered its operations. The founders, pictured to the right, in the traditional robes of psychedelic priests, have reportedly spent all of the $7.5 million dollars of funding they received on obscure research chemicals,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Company that “Downloads the Internet to Your Phone” Shuttered
Posted in Biz News

Pioneering Restaurant “Leftovers” Offers Low Prices, Leftovers

A new restaurant chain called Leftovers recently opened in downtown San Jose, California. Imagine going to your favorite deli and getting a sandwich with a big bite mark it in; most customers would be confused or infuriated, but not at…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Pioneering Restaurant “Leftovers” Offers Low Prices, Leftovers