Posted in Serious Commentary War Zone

Clinton vs Weiner: The Democrats Are Screwed?

Where are we and how did we get here? I am paraphrasing the words of Jim Stockdale in the 1992 US Vice Presidential debate. Those are also the words much of the American electorate asks near Election Day. A sure…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Clinton vs Weiner: The Democrats Are Screwed?
Posted in Serious Commentary War Zone

Is a Libertarian Vote for Trump Unconscionable?

The US Presidential Election is upon us. Faced with a binary choice, a Libertarian would rightly consider voting for Mr Trump over Secretary Clinton. Ask yourself which of the two “candidates” has a proven track record of choosing war? Was…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Is a Libertarian Vote for Trump Unconscionable?