Bill Clinton: Rather Switch than Fight

NEW YORK–Bill Clinton rocked the political world today by announcing his change in party affiliation from Democrat to Independent.

Meet the Press moderator David Gregory asked Mr. Clinton to explain his decision. “Could’ve been worse,” Clinton responded. “Could’ve switched to the GOP.”

The former U.S. President came under fire for a series of recent statements parlayed into derogatory sound bites by the GOP for use against the reelection of President Obama.

Political pundits surmise Clinton is “twitterless” regarding the immediate spin impact of off-the-cuff remarks in a 24/7 communication world.

“I’ll just sit here in the middle and watch y’all work it out from here,” Clinton told Gregory.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton issued an immediate press release stating she would remain a Democrat. Her office did not respond to phone calls requesting a statement regarding her husband’s decision.

Author: Sheree Shatsky

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