Uninvited White House Guests and the Snuggie

WASHINGTON – By now everyone has seen the news on the Virginia couple, Michaele and Tareq Salahi, who slipped into the White House state dinner on Tuesday night.

The Secret Service learned about the incident on Wednesday after media inquiries about the couple prompted an investigation. Upon investigating, government authorities learned that the couple was not on the guest list, but yet somehow made it pass the Secret Service checkpoints. To add insult to injury, the couple had their photograph taken with President Obama.

The Secret Service Director, Mark Sullivan, said in a written statement that the Secret Service is “deeply concerned and embarrassed” that incident occurred. We here at SnuggieHumor.com have uncovered that there is more to the story then what was originally published.

Although the couple was not on the guest list, the Secret Service failed to notice that the woman, Michaele Salahi, was wearing a Snuggie as she sauntered through the receiving line. A government official close to the investigation said “We screen thousands of guests for these events, but why a woman wearing a Snuggie at a state house dinner didn’t raise a red flag, I’ll never know. I mean, don’t get me wrong, the Snuggie looked good on her, real good as a matter of fact. But security protocol mandates that we recheck the credentials of anyone wearing a Snuggie to a White House event. This is the one rule we go over before every event, so there is just no excuse.”

It is unknown if Michael was ensconced in the fleece blanket when arriving at the White House, or if she slipped it on while hor d’voeuvres were being served. The CIA is reviewing satellite images at the moment to answer that question.

The Salahi family was not available for comment, but sources close to the family have stated that Michaele told them that “[she] would’ve gotten away with it if it weren’t for those meddling kids.” We’re not sure who she is referring to since the gang from Scooby-Doo is currently in Hawaii filming their next movie, “Borat meets Scooby-Doo.”

We will continue to investigate this story, so stay tuned, and stay sleeved.

Author: ItFrustratesMe

Mr. Snuggie is the anchorman on SnuggieHumor.com. He is available for small children's birthday parties and bar mitzvah's - assuming he will not need to share the spotlight with any ponies.Mr. Snuggie and his family live in the suburbs of Compton with their 14 Pitbulls and cat named "Lucky."

1 thought on “Uninvited White House Guests and the Snuggie

  1. I always enjoy a good Scooby-Doo reference. I hope these people rot in jail, just for being idiots. Can’t stand people who try to become famous by being infamous – they’re desperate leeches!

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