Hurricane Sandy Was God’s Attempt To Hang In With Occupy Folks

Intrepid Reuters news reporters have uncovered that the immense Hurricane Sandy, so huge that it was dubbed ‘The Perfect Storm’, was actually a fabricated event. It appears that God created the mega storm for what to our eyes was a epochal effort to join the Occupy Wall Street movement by attempting to shut down Wall Street for good.

The Hurricane hitting Manhattan successfully closed down the world’s major financial area for two days, something that the Occupy Movement never managed to pull off for even a day.

The Occupy movement, pretty much bashed down, fizzed out and forgotten less than a year after it began in the same New York that bore the brunt of randy Sandy’s scorn suddenly reappeared as messengers of mercy to help those in the big city who were without food, water or electricity. Occupy volunteers used their own resources to aid those in need, inadvertently creating a new image for themselves that even the conservatives were praising.

God, having realized that the Occupiers were fading out, that their tactics weren’t working and that Wall Street had not changed through the whole deal decided to take matters into His own hands. In true Biblical fashion he fashioned a storm to rival that of the fire and brimstone that took out Sodom and Gomorrah (Comparisonscan be made.). His orignal plan was to totally devastate the famed moneyed ghetto whose name is now associated with greed and mooching once and for all. Realizing at the last minute the economic turbulence that would radiate through out the world afterwards, the Great Bearded One moved the focus of the storm to other parts of New York instead. Too late, He realized the carnage He had created upon ordinary people by this

“Ooopsie!” said God and through methods He alone knows ‘stimulated’ the Occupy folks to spring into action to cover His mistake. This they did handily and now historically.

In end effect God Himself did not do much to slow the endless forward march of capitalism that Wall Street represents, but He succeeded a few days later by invoking conservative Americas deep-seated distrust of black men by making one President again causing the stock market to plunge in terror.

In a side story reporters interviewed police on the street as to whether they would have gone after God the same way they went after Occupy protestors in New York and Oakland. Police from those areas looked down and shuffled their feet sheepishly.When pressed, some said “Yeah. Of course we would have.” and “Well, there are political circumstances to consider.” in strangely subdued and embarrassed tones. After a long, tell tale silence a lieutenant finally boldly stated “Um, there is a question of jurisdiction. We have control over the New York area, but God has jurisdiction over the whole universe, so we might be going out of bounds to impose on his Majesty.” Suddenly recovering some of his old police instincts, he suddenly lashed out “What kind of a Christian are you to be saying that anyway? Why, of course He, being the Great Benefactor of the world and our Lord , would be treated with the respect due Him. What are you? Some sort of closet Muslim or somethin’?”

Author: rfreed

I was born and I died. Being a disembodied entity makes it very cheap for me to get by. Not having to worry about eating or having a place to live gives me a lot of freedom to squander my time writing occasionally funny articles. See more almost funny stuff at

2 thoughts on “Hurricane Sandy Was God’s Attempt To Hang In With Occupy Folks

  1. Shut down political coverage of a Presidential election for several days as well. The Perfect Storm wrapped up in an October surprise. Thoughts are with those still working through the post-storm wrath.

  2. I hung out with the Occupy folks for a couple nights, you know, back when it was trendy. I have to say though, not the cleanest folks. Rain might do them some good.

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