Woman Admits She Wants What She Cannot Have

Author: Ashley Watson

Ashley Watson is a professional writer and amateur stand-up comedian. In her spare time, she enjoys being stalked on Facebook, playing the role of scapegoat for friends who can't seem to see the value in hiring a decent therapist, and finally, pretending that there's someone out there for her, just waiting for that perfect moment to dispel all the myths about how shitty it is to be dating in your mid-thirties.

25 thoughts on “Woman Admits She Wants What She Cannot Have

  1. It’s either here or National Enquirer, Beckert.
    Your choice.
    Either way the truth comes out.

    Of course I could write it into the Playboy Advisor……

  2. What the hell is wrong with you pipsqueak? Did your momma drop you on our head at birth? You realize my husband is 6’3″ and weighs over 220 lbs. right? All I gotta say is it’s a good thing you’re in California and we are in Florida right now.

  3. To Expletive Deleted:

    Actually we did once share a room. If you really are interested in knowing the sordid details (Or even some kinky photos) I’ll write them all down here for all to see here where even the Pope and Billy Graham can learn about it.

    But, are you sure you are ready for it??????????

  4. I remember the good ole days when dinosaurs ruled the Earth. Hmmm, but I must be telling my age, so nevermind.

  5. I remember the good old days when women were content with being barefoot and pregnant.
    Why do good things have to always change?

  6. Oh, I thought that you get naked in a bed, lock your toes together, then have a tug of war with your legs and whoever wins will have a baby.
    Isn’t that how it goes?

  7. L-T,
    While I really appreciate that vote of confidence, I ask that all you writers for Glossy hang in there. Brian will be back and we’ll get this thing going again. When I get some time, I’ll start going through the pending stories and put at least one up a day. Just give me about another week to settle into my new digs and then we’ll be going again. But it certainly feels good to know I’m appreciated as a writer. Thank you.

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