Rising to meet the current celebrity fiasco involving extra-marital affairs, Hollywood based Psychological Resources group has set up a new service to aid those stars who are unable to keep their sexual organs within the family sphere of things. Starting a group called “What the Hell Is Wrong with You? Don’t You Know How Good You Got It?” it will attempt to make it clear to interned celebrities that they have it sexually about as well as you can ever get it.
Head Psychological Healer Hed Shrinke, also known affectionately as Top Psycho, has this to say about the matter, “When you have an actor like Charlie Sheen who is married to Denise Richards or Hugh Grant who has Elizabeth Hurley as a girlfriend and they feel that they still have to go out and diddle prostitutes, then there is something seriously wrong. Man, how much better can it get than having Elizabeth Hurley! And Charlie, man, you got DENISE RICHARDS and that ain’t enough? Most guys would hack off their arm to be with her.”
“Now Brad Pitt going from Jennifer Aniston to Angelina Jolie is understandable, but it is like Samson going after Delilah. You’ll notice that his hair has been shaved lately.”
“Our latest case, Tiger Woods, is the latest one. Here he is with an attractive, well figured, platinum blond who is Swedish and he still wants to go out tomcatting? Might as well castrate yourself buddy. SHE’S SWEDISH MAN! HELLOOOOOO!!! It don’t get any better than that!”
Psychological Resources is also contemplating opening another group dealing exclusively with unfaithful politicians, but are afraid they might get over run with work.