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Inflation Swells Bill-Head$ yet again

"Five dollar bill can barely hold an Abe head!"

Unemployment has climbed steadily over the last 18 months and stock values have tumbled. United States Federal Reserve spokespeople claim inflation is "in check" but real people on the streets are seeing a different picture... pun intended.

Between 1990 and 1998 US Bill-Heads skyrocketed by over 40% and analysts were concerned but mostly kept these concerns to themselves. After this latest escalation, skeptics are hard to silence.

Greg Rogersworth, chief monetary analyst at RBC Dain Rauscher, appeared on Good Morning America just days after the announcement. "Based on my visual and tape measurer analysis of the heads we are seeing inflation of almost 40% on the smaller bills and about 200% on the hundred. We're not backed by silver anymore, we're backed by bill-heads. If you can't even fit Benjamin Franklin on your hundy [hundred dollar bill] you have to wonder what it's really worth. Smaller heads, bigger bills or diversify your holdings, it's really that simple."

Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan sought to quell concerns yesterday by announcing plans to print oversized bills akin to oversized tournament and prize checks often handed out after sporting events, or by possibly allowing bill-heads to overflow on to the back of the bills. Markets did not react favorably.

Japan's economy, heavily dependent on exports to the US, tried to control exchange rate fluctuation by announcing their own plans to "plus size our people" or possibly replace them with famous Sumo wrestlers who are already larger by nature. Further they are considering reducing the size of their bills, lowering the rice paper content or even allowing US bill-heads to encroach on to the top and bottom margins of the yen.

Sony, Matsushita and Mitsubishi all endorsed the move and went as far as to suggest a buy-out of the Unites States Federal Government in exchange for stock, protection and bills with reasonable sized heads.

Rogersworth concluded his interview with this investment tip. "Buy pork bellies. Dump your holdings in US notes and bills, then go heavy in to Miss Piggy. Not pork belly futures, actual pork bellies. Keep them at your home where they will be secure. It's the safest way."

In other news, Frigidaire stock rose 80 cents to close at $17.38 while Hormel, the makers of Spam, rose $1.79 to close at $8.50.


Grandfather Bequeaths Giant Ears

Genetic heirs "less than thrilled", stepson indifferent.

Norfolk VA. At the will reading of Walter Heywood beneficiaries felt anything from indifference to disappointment.

"Kinda thought I might get the house out at the cape. I mean not the big house [here in town]" said only grandson William Heywood. "I thought dad or the aunts would get that, but I figured I'd at least score a car out of the deal, but what the hell man, you know?"

"We took care of him these last six years," claimed Emma, the younger aunt through mixed tears. "I was just sure that old codger would leave the house."

"Funny as hell" offered Ray, stepson from age 6, now aged 34. "Hey he was a great guy. Did good by me and mom. Gave me his golf clubs last May. That was more than I expected."

"Oh cram it Ray!" shrieked Mary, the older and more sinister aunt. We're spinsters who inherited dads ears! He could have at least left us with a mountain of debt or lupus."

 The sizable estate has been given to the First Presbyterian Ministry Outreach in accordance to his will written in 1988.

Cash Subscription Drive...

How would you like to get paid one real dollar just for signing up for a Glossy News subscription? This is your chance man, you can do it. Certain restrictions do apply I should warn you, check out the program details. See Billion Dollar Give Away, A6.

Today's New Headlines... (updated every day)

 Green Monkey Semen "Not Good For You"

Despite the many known benefits and uses of Green Monkey semen, researchers now report, "Might not be a good idea after all." See From Africa with Love, C19


WWF vs WWF, Global Smack-Down?

The World Wrestling Federation and the World Wildlife Federation clash over who will ultimately control the rights to the much coveted acronym See Greasy Bears a Wrasslin', D19


Mayor Loses Her Boobs

Having had too much to drink, the Mayor of Barrien Springs must have "forgotten her tits" at the local bar. See Poor Bastard who Found them, E19

Horoscopes by ZoJack

This week Glossy News proudly features Bore-a-scopes. These insightful interpretations have been customized just for the dullest of readers. And this week you get the option to translate them in to cockney for our UK readers... SEE HOROSCOPES, D14.


Ball Cancer: Testing your Testes

Among the rarest of cancers comes cancer of the testes. Glossy News brings you these helpful tips to keeping your balls healthy. See Protection Beyond the Bag, G7




Glossy News is committed to bringing you the freshest news, even, and especially, if that means not verifying it's validity. Our grossest errors have also been our best stories, as such we've completely abandoned our verification process and put accuracy on the back burner where it belongs.

In order to get you the freshest news we print first and ask questions later, or perhaps not at all. Our mistakes are minor and we take full responsibility for their retraction and prominently display the truth right up front. See My Bad, V196


Letters to the Editor

Feedback from the headlines to the front lines. See No, I'm Right and You're Dumb, E8

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