Unproduced Film Hailed as Chris Nolan’s Biggest Hit Yet

LOS ANGELES, California – After acheiving Blockbuster success with his film “Inception,” writer/director Christopher Nolan has done it again.  Critics and fans are already hailing his new film as the greatest ever made.  It has already made many critics favorites lists this year and is even ranked #1 on IMDB’s Top 250.

“It’s incredible that one filmmaker can have so much talent,” said online film reviewer Craig Mitchell. “Finally a reason to go to the movies.”

Nolan’s success with his new film is especially remarkable considering he has yet to write the screenplay or even develop a concept. And while acclaim for the project is nearly universal, there are some less enthusiastic voices:

“How can a group of people claim to love a film that hasn’t been made yet?” posted IMDB user PoopTaco69.

“Clearly PoopTaco is too dumb to understand Christopher Nolan’s movies!” said DarkKnight4Life. “Go back to watching Michael Bay, asshole!” Inexplicably, the conversation quickly turned to Barack Obama’s birth certificate.

Speculation as to what exactly the film will be about has become secondary to the insistence that it not be overlooked this coming award season, with one internet commentator saying, “if this doesn’t get Best Supporting Actor…” The poster has yet to explain what exactly he plans on doing if the Academy does not honor his wishes.

The perceived brilliance of the new film has prompted one group of high school virgins to build a golden statue of Christopher Nolan to be used as an altar for worship and sacrifice.

The Nolanite Sect founder Nathan Spitz explained the motivation behind the religion: “Nolan opened my eyes with ‘Inception.’ Now with this new one? How can I not worship the man?”

Spitz says that while he understands people will call his devotion goofy and illogical, these people should be ignored because, in his words, “they are just trolls.”

Author: jayge6

5 thoughts on “Unproduced Film Hailed as Chris Nolan’s Biggest Hit Yet

  1. Great piece! I’ve yet to see a Nolan film that wasn’t a piece of crap, yet the adulation and accolades of fan boys propel his garbage to hit status. This story was right on and gets a big thumbs up from me.

  2. Loved the “comments” in this piece, especially the names of the IMDB users. If this is a sign of things to come (referring to your stories), I can’t wait to read more.

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