Top 10 Reasons Michaele Salahi Got Caught

10. The couple showed up in O.J. Simpson’s 1994 white Ford Bronco.
9. A Secret Service agent read her “Tweet” that read “I told you I could breach White House security.”
8. When she met President Obama she tried to reenact “Forest Gump” by saying, “I have to pee.”
7. She was wearing a custom “Got Fame?” Snuggie.
6. Her invitation had “Shhh…it’s a surprise!” on it.
5. She was eating the baby corn like Tom Hanks in the movie “Big.”
4. Michaele inadvertently asked the guest of honor, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, “So is Vijay Singh your son? I am advid golfer myself.”
3. As she posed with President Obama she whispered “I didn’t realize your were African-American.”
2. Upon leaving the White House, she accidently dropped her iPhone with the “Get Past White House Security” app still open.
1. She would’ve gotten away with it if it weren’t for those meddling kids!

Author: ItFrustratesMe

Mr. Snuggie is the anchorman on He is available for small children's birthday parties and bar mitzvah's - assuming he will not need to share the spotlight with any ponies.Mr. Snuggie and his family live in the suburbs of Compton with their 14 Pitbulls and cat named "Lucky."