---July Newsletter to ISNA Webmasters--- Announcements
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Voice of Reason (UK site) Who's Leaving ![]() An excerpt from his letter to me I started The Hack by writing 'Onion' style articles but wanted to find my own voice. Then I forced The Hack through a long and difficult experimental phase. My tendency towards cultural review emerged very clearly from this. A weekly commitment to self-publishing on the web was therefore great for discovering my voice. Having achieved that, self-publishing has become merely additional expense and work. My efforts are now aimed at improving my standards, knowledge base, and research methods. I've recently applied to switch my degree to one in Creative Writing and Contemporary Culture at an Arts Institute (the place is full of broadcasting and publishing undergrads too). I'm still writing my 'Hacks', but tailoring them for and sending them to reputable publishers that could use my kind of material. The likely trail of rejections is hardly a problem - I write a piece each week anyway, and besides, I'm used to a silent audience, so any response will be more than I normally get! I may as well get my work seen by people who can help me improve what I do and offer an audience that will want to read me. Thanks for asking (whoever you are!). And good luck with whatever you're doing at Glossy News. The web can do many things for many people. I think the trick with it is to ask yourself "what do I get from this?" and then be ruthlessly honest. Hope some of this is useful,
Domain/URL Selection & Registration Guide So you wanna build a new site and haven't picked the name yet? Here's a guide to finding and picking from the millions of unregistered names to get something that's funny, works, and is easy to remember. Previous Tutorials;   Make Money From Your Site It's a big topic, so it's discussed in it's entirety over here. For now I'll just say that (as I'm sure you already know) there are hundreds of sites on the web that promise to make you money. Out of all I've seen and tried, I've only been paid by one of them.   Seen the New Banners?
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