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Know of a site that should be listed on ISNA?
Tell us the site and the category and we'll add them in.

Want your site logo displayed? (for free?)

To be an official member of the ISNA, a site ought indulge in satire and other variants of humor. The site need only declare their membership to us by email us (though aloud as well if they so desire), and link back to the association from somewhere on their site. Our primary focus used to be satire news, but that's shifted somewhat as time has passed. Don't know if a site will fit in? Browse through some of our member sites or just ask.

We often link to sites that are not members, so don't be afraid to suggest it. If you don't want to link back to us or are recommending someone else's site, that is okay, as long as it meets our guidelines within reason. Our goal is to have the highest quality directory, not to create a mega-link farm. Banners and ad buttons, however, are reserved for member sites.

The purposes of the ISNA are:

  1. To shamelessly promote satire and humor on the web through linkage and honest recommendation.
  2. To write frustrating or irritating articles/letters and otherwise hassle those government and corporate types around the world who would attempt to abridge freedom of speech on the Web.
  3. To share our ideas, our successes and our failures as best we can for the common good of the group.
  4. To draw attention to ISNA members in order to bring them an increased readership.

Members of the ISNA are requested to:

  1. Post a link or one of our little graphics If you don't like any of ours, make your own and send us a copy somewhere on your website proclaiming your membership in the ISNA. Link it back to the ISNA page at "", or "".
  2. Join the Writers Newsletter. No, you won't be sold or spammed and it isn't an actual requirement. We notify members about; new members, contests, tips & tricks from other webmasters, and warnings issued by members about problems they are encountering. Join the update by sending a blank email to
  3. Advise the administrator and/or fellow members of malicious behavior; attempts to suppress our First Amendment or equivalent rights by anyone or any thing. Also, if you find an internet content thieves, notify admin so we can warn the group.

Membership in the ISNA is accomplished by writing to the Admin and saying, "We're a member" and telling us which category you belong to. You may further wish to open a window and yell it out to your neighbors, just to help it sink in a bitsettle in.

What Members Get...

  1. Access to the extensive and growing members pages and webmasters resource pages.
  2. A little button you can copy and put on your site, like below.
  3. Support from other members when 1st Ammendmend Rights are threatened. My first month in charge here, came under fire by Wiley Press for LEGAL use of an article. GlossyNews,com retaliated with a LEGAL visible strike. That's where we need to look out for each other.
  4. Presentation of your logo on our index page.
  5. New sites are sent out to our subscriber database as they are added. So a new member gets an immediate increase in readership.

Withdrawals from the ISNA is accomplished emailing "We quit" to the ISNA c/o The Admin.

Here are some graphics to copy for your page.

Internet Satirical Newspaper Association OR Internet Satirical Newspaper Association OR Internet Satirical Newspaper Association OR Internet Satirical Newspaper Association OR Internet Satirical Newspaper Association
Internet Satirical Newspaper Association
Internet Satirical Newspaper Association
Internet Satirical Newspaper Association
Internet Satirical Newspaper Association
Internet Satirical Newspaper Association

If you want to show your logo;

- Email us where on your site your 88x33 logo is located Your button really SHOULD be 88 pixels wide an no taller than 33 pixels. Logos of other sizes look very odd when resized to these dimensions, as some on ISNA have been.. For example you might tell me it is at "". That would be good.
- Tell me where you are displaying a link to ISNA.

By keeping the graphic on your server instead of ours, it lightens our server load, helps us know immediately when a site has disappeared, and allows you to change your graphic as often as you like without ever having to deal with me. Pretty slick deal, huh?

* Just hold your mouse over the "TELL ME MORE" icon for more info.

Join ISNA - Subscription Info - This is a newly added Feature!Members Area - This is a newly added Feature!Webmaster Resources

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