Of course there are rules to submitting. Be sure to read and agreed to all terms BEFORE submitting. Also, the submission system isn't quite self explanatory, so please for the love of God read the tutorial on use and form before you submit.
By submitting an article you agree to the following conditions:
- The material is original, and you wrote it.
- It is funny, preferably funny as hell, though maybe even funnier than that.
- You grant us permission to publish the article and any accompanying media. Publication right is irrevocable, meaning we won't purge your articles from the system in the future.
- Article may be subject to copy editing.
- You accept full responsibility for any copyright infringement or intellectual property violations caused by your article, (only you know its true origin.)
- All names in your articles are completely fictitious except when using prominent public figures. We're not here to help you libel your ex's.
Ready to submit something? You can go read the detailed author tutorial right now if you like, it's posted here, and it covers quite a bit, including how to get onto the system and submit a piece direcly.
Then What?
We review your article. If you're funny, you're in. That's it.
If you don't make the cut, you will be given the opportunity to workshop with senior writers and given other pointers towards improvement.
Feel Like Being a Real Pal?
We bust our asses to make this site a hit and we really can't do it without your help.
Sending out press releases to your friends, family or community saying "Look at me, I'm on Glossy News!"
Telling all your friends and family that you're published, and encouraging them to come have a look,
Hooking me up with your hot receptionist,
Linking to Glossy with this logo
None of this is required, but it can't hurt if I ask nicely.
Brian K. White