Dude, you aren't even going to believe this...

The deal, yo!

Everyone who views your site, is worth 2-3 more visitors, period! (exclamation point technically.)

Good content? Good design? NO TRAFFIC!!! Great sites die on every day because no one knows they exist. FIX THAT. Do it with exit exchange popups.

You say "But I hate pop ups! I won't do it from my site!" Okay, ya purist. Here's a good option too.

1. Join Traffic Multiplier. Every time someone views your page, you earn 66% of a visit. When they leave your front page, they see a polite and discreet ad, and that's it. Three of these gets you two return visitors from somewhere else. You can put this on as many pages as you want, but your viewers will only see ONE pop up each time they visit you. Not bad.

Want more traffic? Read on.

1.5 Something more subtle? Check out TrafficSwarm. They are unique in that when a user leaves, they don't see an ad, they see a directory with six choices. Every time one of these comes from your site, you earn one somewhere else. That's a one in six chance someone will come back. UNLESS you write a great ad, then it's much higher. Also free and they give you 500 ads just for joining.

2. On the second page of your site you put the code for freehits2000. So when they leave your front page, they see an ad, when they leave your second page, they see an ad. This one earns you 50% return traffic. So if you get a viewer who looks at two pages of your site, you just earned 116% return traffic. So for doing pretty much nothing and not paying a cent, you just doubled your traffic.

Not good enough? Let's take the next step.

3. On your third page put in LoadShark. This one gives you 20 free visitors just for signing up and you also get a 50% return.

4. Page four use ExitExchange(tm). Yet another 50% return. What I'm telling you is that if your mom goes and looks at your site and reads through page four, she will earn you 2.16 return visitors from somewhere else. That's over two people who have never heard of you, don't know you, and didn't know your site existed. How cool is that?

But you still want more? Wow man, okay then,

4 1/2. Enough is not enough for you. You want MORE. Okay man, go to this page and add all of it on to this stuff and your hits will rocket off the hook. No two ways about it.

4 3/4. I'm a sucker for a good deal, so one more can't hurt, right? 241hits gives you 100 free hits just for joining. They are a little more bossy than most, but that's hardly the point. 100 free is a 100 free, no?

69. It gets better. Let's chitty chat about the snowball affect. Not that nasty joke from Clerks, I mean once you have done all that, steal this page from me and put it somewhere in the "WEBMASTERS" page on your site. Why? Because you are going to be getting a lot of traffic. That traffic WILL view your site. Sooner or later someone will ask "How did I get here?". They can read this and know how you did it. When they sign up for these programs, you will get a traffic bonus, plus a percentage of their traffic forever. That means you built the snowball, packed it tight, and gave it a good hard shove down the hillside.

-- Is it llegal? No.

-- Is it annoying? Yes, but you need traffic, don't you? If you don't, why did you read this whole page?

-- Does GlossyNews like it? In principle, no. In practice, yes. We've done everything to generate traffic. Handed out thousands of free copies of the paper, sent hundreds of press releases, personally invited thousands of readers and writers one at a time. NOTHING yielded traffic like this.

-- Cost? Time? Yeah, that's the best part. No cost, the entire process if you do all five steps (or 69, depends how you're counting today) will take you about a half hour.

Bookmark this page. You owe it to yourself to be seen.

Got a product, sell it. Got a message, yell it. Got a conspiracy theory, keep it. BUT BE SEEN!

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