Massive NATO Expansions for Peace

Above: A NATO peace keeper, working to insure peace, stands firm hoping that the US will promptly approve more funding for his squadron.

By Warren Leming

American militarists and their Pentagon advisors have asked the U.S. to finance a huge expansion of NATO forces in Europe. Pentagon sources explained that the expansion would guarantee:
1. Fantastic levels of paranoia and the possibility of resuming the Cold War.
2. Increased arms dealer profits to a US regime knee deep war profiteers.
3. Improve the chances for a military take over in the U.S. 4. Insure violation of treaty's between the US and almost everybody.

"Its a killer idea, "smiled one general who went on to add that there was more that "could be done to bring about war while pretending to defend people."

The Pentagon spokesman, who asked that she not be named (she is General Betty Boyo Billington) then expanded on the War Departments plans.

"We want Rumsfeld to cut out all the pussy footing about Iraq, just nuke the bastards. And all this talk about Bush being careful he doesnt offend the allies. Why we were at war with England for years, just a few decades ago, and we kicked their asses."

When asked why the U.S. is currently waiting for UN inspection teams in Iraq to report back, General Betty expressed shock that "We have to wait for a known communist front organisation to give us disinformation."

Asked to name the commie front, the General replied; "Everybody knows the UN is a commie front... President Truman helped create it, and he was a Com Symp. Dam it." When informed that the Soviet Union was no more, the General stormed from the room, shouting; "Why doesnt anybody tell me this shit."

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