Many individuals look to date persons near to their own age, but many more look to date those who are much younger. Some still seek to date those who are much, much younger. We're not talking about the 23-year-old who is looking to date a 20-year-old, but rather the 55-year-old who is looking to date an 18-year-old.
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Regardless of your gender, you might be a man or woman of advanced age who is looking for a new partner who is more along the lines of an 18 or 18½ year old. In some states, you might seek a 14-year-old. Though this may be legal where you live, we do regret to inform you that we cutoff our dating ages at 18, for corporate reasons.
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We regret that we cannot connect you with children who are 40-years your junior on our international system, but at this time we just can't do it. We hope to have this feature setup in the next few months, and if you're looking for someone under the age of 18, in legal ways, please check out our cross-jurisdiction dating page for information and updates.
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Here are some images of singles currently available.
Click here to get started with Dating@AOL, and you can meet others looking for love free of cost for the first six-months.